Life is better now....
Recently while reflecting as usual, I realised that 2 things have changed my life for better lately.
One is Accepting people as they are, and
Two is Forgiving others and yourself too!
Nothing new in those two things but I adopted them lately and saw the difference myself.
The irritation/annoyance I used to have with people (especially at home!) on so many things (not being as clean or systematic as I am, etc) has gone the moment I realised that I need to accept them as they are! Things have improved marginally. No annoyance so no repercussions! And Life is peaceful : ) Amen!
Same way, till I learnt to forgive people, I used to keep cribbing or having grudge even after a long time. Wasn’t gaining anything. Rather was loosing peace of mind and getting unnecessarily stressed. Now when I have learnt to forgive people (may not be instantly, may be to some in 3 days and to some in 3 weeks! ), I can smile to people even those who misbehaved/mistreated. And my smile fetches a smile back and makes them also feel comfortable ( I know my boss was feeling very guilty after shouting at me but couldn’t say sorry!).
Please note that I am not PREACHING anything here. Just sharing my experiences, in case anyone can be benefited – good!