That Small Yellow Envelop....
This is a sequel to my earlier one titled "You have mail".
I miss that envelop now and hence comes this one...
"The Small Yellow Envelop"
I take another glance at that corner of the screen
No small yellow envelop - I eagerly wait for - is seen
where have all the people gone from my life
I try to be patient but no respite...
Know, they are busy with their lives..
Know, not everyone would remain forever in my life
but I still eagerly wait
for that small yellow envelop
and I still smile, whenever it comes
hoping it to be from a dear one
whether it is,
or it is not
I wont let the Hope die,
as thats what I have got
This Hope lets me go on...
and dream for better days
Friends make Life meaningful
in so many ways...